türk şeker ne demek?

Turkish Sugar (Türk Şeker) is a state-owned sugar production and marketing company in Turkey. It was established in 1952 and is responsible for the production, packaging, and sales of sugar and other sweeteners in Turkey. The company operates 25 sugar factories across the country and employs over 20,000 people.

Turkish Sugar produces a range of sugar products, including granulated sugar, powder sugar, brown sugar, and molasses. It also produces beet pulp and animal feed from sugar beet processing by-products. The company is one of the largest sugar producers in Europe and accounts for approximately 20% of Turkey's sugar production.

In addition to its core business of sugar production, Turkish Sugar has diversified into other areas such as energy production, biotechnology, and tourism. The company has invested in renewable energy projects, including wind and solar power plants, and has developed biotechnology products such as biofertilizers and biogas.

Turkish Sugar is also involved in social responsibility projects, including supporting education and health initiatives in rural areas and providing assistance to refugees.